
Dale Carnegie Course - Preview

Learn techniques for developing a commanding attitude of your role in this free online preview of our flagship Dale Carnegie Course.

Our flagship Dale Carnegie Course helps you master the communication skills necessary in today’s demanding business environment. Time-tested skills and principles strengthen your inner voice, giving you the confidence to perform as a persuasive communicator, diligent problem solver, and focused leader. Gain techniques for developing a commanding attitude of your role.

This course is designed for any professional, at any level, who wishes to optimize their performance, lead with conviction, and have a consistently positive effect on the bottom line. We will develop a foundation for success by exploring the power of persuasion, presenting ideas clearly, and cultivating lasting relationships. In short, you’ll leave with a bounty of tools that make you a more professional, confident, and enthusiastic leader in today’s workforce.

Date: 2024.09.10

3 hours


Time: 16:00 – 19:00

Language: Монгол хэл

Location: Fides Tower, 8th floor, Suite #802, Gegeenten complex, Khan-Uul District, Zaisan st, Ulaanbaatar, 17011 MN


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