Байгууллагын соёлын үнэлгээ
Дэйл Карнегигийн үнэлгээнүүд нь таны бизнест нөлөөлж буй асуудлуудыг ойлгож, давуу талдаа тулгуурлан, сайжруулах талбаруудыг тодорхойлоход тусална.

15-20 минутын цахимаар авах үнэлгээ

Үнэлгээний хариуг дүгнэн хэлэлцэх уулзалт

Оновчтой үг хэллэг ашигласан асуулгууд

Англи, Монгол болон бусад 30 хэл дээр хийгдсэн

ISO9001 сертификатаар баталгаажсан
Төрөл | Хэмжих ур чадвар | Хэн хамрагдах вэ? | Тохируулж болох эсэх | 360 үнэлгээ | 180 үнэлгээ |
Employee Engagement Assessment | Measures the level of engagement in the organisation, and identifies key factors that are driving or inhibiting engagement. Includes measurement around critical competencies related to engagement, satisfaction, emotions related to the Immediate Supervisor, salary and intent to leave the organisation. Includes open-ended questions allowing for employee comments. Results can be broken out by demographics important to an organisation. | Entire organisation | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Organisational Effectiveness Survey | Measures areas of success & barriers to organisational effectiveness. Dimensions measured include internal & external communication, technology & resources, mpowerment, employee satisfaction, loyalty, teamwork, involvement, development initiatives, leadership ability and ability to motivate. | Individual Contributors, All Levels of Management & Leadership | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Leadership Effectiveness Survey | Measures leaders on the following key drivers of their effectiveness: goal Setting, communication, ppenness, follow-up, accountability, ability to motivate, coaching, empowerment, teamwork, employee involvement, innovation, performance goals, delegation, and time management. Employees rate their leaders and organisation to determine key development needs. | All Employees Emerging Front Line & MidLevel Managers, Senior Leaders & Executives (Can be tailored to all levels of management) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Leadership Development Process | Measures communication, people skills, attitude, stress management, self-Confidence, self-direction, leadership skills, personal leadership-management, associate development, culture development, organisational/process management, accountability and results management. | New Leaders, Mid-Level Managers | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Ур чадварын үнэлгээний хүснэгт харагдахгүй байгаа тохиолдолд гар утсныхаа дэлгэцийг хөндлөн хэлбэрт шилжүүлнэ үү.
Та байгууллагынхаа соёлд үнэлгээ хийхийг хүсвэл бидэнтэй холбогдоорой.